At 17.55 20/09/2005, you wrote:
tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:

At 17.00 20/09/2005, you wrote:

Alex Dean wrote:

Yes, that's correct.  Mine is installed in /var/vpopmail.
The Makefile had a warning "don't edit this file, use conf* instead".
conf-cc had a line referencing /home/vpopmail, which I edited to my location, and it has now compiled correctly.


I used to use conf-vpopmail for this very reason - so conf-cc and Makefile could use `head -1 conf-vpopmail` instead of having the info hard-coded. Perhaps we should go back to that?

Hi Bill,

I forgot you have this usage. This is better then hardcoding in Makefile (but I dream someone rewrites qmail's Makefile and creates a powerful configure program).



I did edit the vpopmail path in both Makefile and conf-cc. It sounds like this is the correct thing to do? (Sounds like the current toaster doesn't use the conf-vpopmail file you mention?) It worked, and that's good, but I don't want muck with things more than necessary so let me know if I've got this wrong.

Follow Shupp instructions, so change only in conf-vpopmail.



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