> is there possible to have also remote smtp auth patch in you Toaster?
> On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 12:36 -0700, Bill Shupp wrote:
>> All,
>> I've got a new toaster patch that I could use help testing:
>> http://shupp.org/patches/qmail-toaster-0.9.0rc2.patch.bz2
>> Below are the patches included.  Please help test if you can.  I have it
>> running on my personal system at the moment.
>> NOTE:  This version supports DomainKeys, and requires libdomainkeys,
>> which you can get here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/domainkeys/
>> Once installed, see the qmail-dk man page for info on how to use it.
>> Regards,
>> Bill
>> smtp-auth patch v. 0.5.8 by Erwin Hoffmann
>> http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/smtpauth.html
>> TLS patch by Frederik Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Here's the
>> original patch with documentation at the top:
>> http://inoa.net/qmail-tls/netqmail-1.05-tls-20060104.patch
>> oversize dns patch by Christopher K. Davis.
>> http://www.ckdhr.com/ckd/qmail-103.patch
>> qregex 20060423 originally by by Andrew St. Jean.
>> http://www.arda.homeunix.net/store/qmail/
>> adds pattern matching in the badhelo, badmailfrom, badmailfromnorelay,
>> badmailto, and badmailtonorelay control files. Pattern matching is case
>> insensitive and logs are generated when a match is found.
>> reread concurrency version 2 by Jul
>> http://js.hu/package/qmail/index.html
>> Reread concurrencylocal and concurrencyremote when qmail-send is
>> given the HUP signal.
>> Big Concurrency patch by Johannes Erdfelt
>> http://qmail.org/big-concurrency.patch
>> netqmail-maildir++.patch by me.  Here's the link to the original patch:
>> http://shupp.org/patches/netqmail-maildir++.patch
>> This adds maildirquota support to qmail-pop3d and qmail-local.
>> chkuser 2.0.9 by Antonio Nati
>> http://www.interazioni.it/opensource/chkuser/
>> NOTE: This requires vpopmail to already be compiled.
>> You may need to edit the Makefile for paths, etc.
>> Dale Woolridge, James Law, and Moto Kawasaki's Spam Throttle 2.02
>> http://spamthrottle.qmail.ca/
>> http://www.saout.de/misc/spf/
>> qmail-queue-custom-error.patch by ?
>> https://no-way.org/software?search=0
>> SURBL Support for qmail-smtpd by Pieter Droogendijk
>> original qmail patch: http://www.surbl.org/qmail/011_surbl
>> Documentation: http://www.surbl.org/qmail/surbl.txt
>> DomainKeys patch by Russell Nelson
>> http://qmail.org/qmail-1.03-dk-0.54.patch
>> Requires libdomainkeys-0.68 to be compiled, and located in
>> ../../libdomainkeys-0.68 to work as is.

I'm in process of testing the new patch...

First problem: libdomainkeys does not compile on fedora core5 (test os)

i modified makefile accordingly to openssl include files location but
still refuses to make the damn libs.

As a workaround there is a rpm package available (at pbone.net) which
installs without problems.

I'll keep you posted of other issues i encounter.

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