On Sep 12, 2007, at 8:06 AM, James Gorz wrote:

In-house we've set up a server to act as a secondary MX record to the domains we host mail. The server then forwards these messages to the actual mail server the domain is hosted. The goal is that, in the event a server dies, mail is still collected and gathered, waiting to be delivered to the proper server. The setup of qmail follows the toaster guide.

Because the actual mail servers are working fine - the server is getting nothing but spam and junk emails, filling the queue is growing to huge sizes over 117K in messages! Spamassassin is barely able to keep up with the load, and I'm sure clamav isn't far behind. We've been pruning the queue of messages using qmHandle, but we need something that handles things on its own. We've also set the queue lifetime to be 12 hours.

  Some ideas we've been comtemplation to fix the issue:
- another failover server set up the same way that handles 1/2 the domains secondary MX records. - some qmail patch that reject the mail if the actual server is still online and operational
- keep failover server offline until needed

Any suggestions on this are appreciated.  Thanks.

I put greylisting on all backup MX boxes. It weeds out a lot of the junk. Make sure it has a lot of RBLs setup too, especially dialup/ public lists, which can block a lot of bot nets.


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