
I've been doing an installation of the toaster on a 64 bit OpenSuSE system, and I've been updating a copy of the toaster as I go. You can see the work in progress here:

The changes so far include:

0.9.3 - 10/07/2008 -- Rick Widmer

    * Replace courier imap with Dovecot
    * Upgrade to squirrelmail 1.4.16
    * Added SuSE notes
    * Added option to use BSD standard UID and GID values
    * Separate qmail manpath instructions for Debian, SuSE and other
    * Added symlink for rcqmail from qmailctl for SuSE users
    * Separated stunnel runfiles into separate sections for easier use
    * Added an extra <br /> tag in each code block so there is a \n on
      the last line when you copy/paste them.

I've added a few more variables similar to you allowing them to set the source directory. These are the values I use for my server:

$SourceDir   = '/var/src';
$HomeDir     = '/mail';
$SystemEmail = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$DocRoot     = '/srv/www/htdocs';
$CGIDir      = '/srv/www/cgi-bin';
$WebUser     = 'wwwrun';
$WebGroup    = 'www';
$DataDir     = '/srv/www/squirrelmail-data';

I am also considering a dropdown list for target operating system that would hide unrelated notes, and possibly set default values for the other variables.

If you are willing, please send me a copy of the PHP source code and any required files, and I'll merge in my updates and send it back to you to review.


p.s. I did try sending this private a couple days ago, but haven't heard anything from you yet. It would be nice to get this soon, as building the server and documenting it is part of my day job, and I get to bill them for the time.

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