The receiving mailserver can do reverse DNS perfectly - just doesn't seem to want to do it during qmail smtp connections. I checked the /etc/nsswitch.conf file and changed it from:

hosts:      files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns


hosts:      dns files

That didn't seem to help either. Do you think a reboot or a service restart is necessary after making this change?

At 11:49 PM 12/29/2008, you wrote:
Jeff Koch wrote:
Does anyone happen to know why all emails received by qmail are reported as 'Received: from unknown' even though the sending mailserver clearly identifies itself and has reverve DNS setup?
Here's a good example from an email I just recieved:
Received: from unknown (HELO (

That suggests the reverse dns lookups are failing on that server. Have you tried some lookups manually to see if they are working? I had an issue similar to this just recently with a new server and it took a while to realise that I had made a mistake in the nssswitch.conf file and it was trying to resolve everything via ldap instead of via dns.


Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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