Please follow up on this in tomcat-dev as well ...
Christian Mallwitz INTERSHOP Communications Germany
Senior Software Engineer    phone: +49 3641 894 334

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jaroslav Gergic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 11:15
> Subject: Using Jasper for template processing?
> NOTE: I posted the message below to the tomcat-user mailing list
> several days ago, but without any meningful response.
> I am NOT tomcat-dev mailing list member, so respond
> directly to my email address, please.
> Thanks for any help and suggestions,
> in case I will succeed in my task, 
> I can contribute back to the community of course...
> **************************************************************
> *********
> Hello Tomcat developers and advanced users!
> I have following question:
> I would like to use Jasper engine for template processing.  I use
> Tomcat with JSPs and its good, but I would like to alter Jasper usage
> this way:
> An JSP page is compiled into a Java source where the user's JSP
> page extends the class HttpJspBase and overrides several methods
> notably _jspService().
> I want to use Jasper for more generic task. Template processing
> independent on Servlets and HTTP. Imagine following interface:
> public interface Template {
>   void renderTemplate(Writer out) throws;
> }
> I want to alter Jasper to process files with JSP-like syntax (of
> course with other intrinsic variables accessible inside the
> renderTemplate() method) and generate Java source code implementing
> the Template interface and than compile the source code using Java
> compiler into executable classes. Then load and run generated classes
> as they have been written manually.
> So I ask:
> 1) is it possible or is Jasper tightly coupled with HTTP and Servlet
> API?
> 2) if it is possible, how to do that? (which classes can be re-used,
> which interfaces and classes have to be re-implemented
> 3) how much time it can take (1 day, 3 days, a week, two weeks, ...)
> Thanks for any comments and suggestions.
> Jaroslav Gergic
> =====
> Jaroslav Gergic (Gergi)
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