Jon Stevens wrote:
> If the above files do not exist, then attempt to look
> for relative paths (ie: ../../jakarta-servletapi) to
> the .jar files here:
> /jakarta-servletapi
> /jsse*
> /jmx*

It is not clear to me why property files with reasonable defaults are
"easy" whereas environment variables with the same defaults are "hard".  It
seems to me that the key discussion is what are reasonable defaults.

One difference between the way I am set up and they way you have described
your setup is that I segregate the products that I have built from ones I
have installed.  This could easily be accomodated by having a single
additional property/environment variable which specifies another root
directory to search in.

More substantially, I'm troubled by thoses asterisks, and I have a similar
problem with jakarta-servletapi.  I routinely have multiple copies of
various products on my system.  One case in point is jakarta-servletapi as
I routinely build both tomcat3 and tomcat4.  To enable this, I have two
copies of servletapi, one named jakarta-servletapi-4.0.  Clearly this can
be addressed via a properties file, I just want to be sure that the build
system doesn't do me a "favor" by tossing in additional, randomly selected
things into my path without warning.

- Sam Ruby

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