Another overwhelming diplomacy lesson... I guess.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 01:21
> To: tomcat-dev
> Subject: future questions
> Lets see how many of these questions come up in the future by users:
> I downloaded the latest J2EE and it includes Tomcat. However,
> when I looked
> on your website, it says that you have two versions of Tomcat. Which one
> comes with J2EE? Which one should I be using?
> I found a bug in 3.3. When is the next release going to happen? (Implying
> that we are going to have to continue on putting effort towards more 3.3.x
> releases.)
> I found a *serious* architectural issue in 3.3 that warrants a
> 3.4 release.
> What should we do now? (Implying that we are going to have to continue on
> putting effort towards more 3.3.x releases.)
> I looked at your website and there are two versions of Tomcat, which one
> should I use? They both seem to be in active development. Why is
> one better
> than the other?
> p.s. Costin, I had a great idea. I'm going to forward to you all of the
> personal email based Tomcat support questions that I get. Have
> fun answering
> them. :-)
> -jon

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