Saw this thread and wanted to add a few (maybe un)related
> Of course, it would be nice to have the code factored out - maybe we can
> use digest for the MemoryRealm ( or other future realms ) too.
> ( another nice feature would be to support "unix"-like digests and
> mySQL-like password digests ). Again - as an util if possible :-)
> Costin

I very much would love to see the digest stuff in a utility class. I'm
guessing that at some point in the near future a user/password management
tool will be asked for/proposed, and having the digesting code inside just
the JDBCRealm kinda precludes this from being useful for the other
current/future realms. The ability to add/update user information would also
be extremely handy, and again, more useful if it is usable for different
types of realm implementations. As a note these questions/comments apply
equally to 3.x and 4.0 for me. Thanks again for the good work!

David Weinrich

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