I'll check in the fix tommorow - the HttpSessionBindingEvent and
session reloading should go into the facade22 module.

I was thinking about this - does it make sense to keep the session code in
the core ? It seems to me that maintaining an object store is orthogonal
to the http functionality - all that's needed in core is management of the
session IDs ( create, encode in cookies/urls, etc ) - while the actual
store shouldn't be part of the core. 

I'll try to find a way to decouple that even more than it is today,
probably that would help anyone who is working on advanced session
management as it'll make it independent of tomcat ( or server container ).


> I can't see ServerSession.writeObject (and readObject) there.
> You must have code which is ServerSession aware, since SeverSession member
> ssm (point to its manager) is not serializeable.
> Here is jon's original code (3.2.1): This must be fixed to be 3.3
> compatible. I can do that (it's really easy), but I don't know how to handle
> the HttpSessionBindingEvent (in writeObject) below (It seems that
> ServerSession can't cast to HttpSession).
> Please let me know if you think this is un-needed.
>     /**
>      * Read a serialized version of this session object from the specified
>      * object input stream.
>      * <p>
>      * <b>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</b>:  The reference to the owning Manager
>      * is not restored by this method, and must be set explicitly.
>      *
>      * @param stream The input stream to read from
>      *
>      * @exception ClassNotFoundException if an unknown class is specified
>      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
>      */
>     private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream)
>               throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
>               // Deserialize the scalar instance variables (except
> Manager)
>               creationTime = ((Long) stream.readObject()).longValue();
>               id = (String) stream.readObject();
>               lastAccessedTime = ((Long) stream.readObject()).longValue();
>                 thisAccessedTime = ((Long) stream.readObject()).longValue();
>               maxInactiveInterval = ((Integer)
> stream.readObject()).intValue();
>               isNew = ((Boolean) stream.readObject()).booleanValue();
>               isValid = ((Boolean) stream.readObject()).booleanValue();
>               attributes = (Hashtable) stream.readObject();
>     }
>     /**
>      * Write a serialized version of this session object to the specified
>      * object output stream.
>      * <p>
>      * <b>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</b>:  The owning Manager will not be stored
>      * in the serialized representation of this Session.  After calling
>      * <code>readObject()</code>, you must set the associated Manager
>      * explicitly.
>      * <p>
>      * <b>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</b>:  Any attribute that is not Serializable
>      * will be silently ignored.  If you do not want any such attributes,
>      * be sure the <code>distributable</code> property of our associated
>      * Manager is set to <code>true</code>. 
>        * <p>
>      * <b>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</b>: If we can't serialize the object stored
> in 
>      * the session, then check to see if it implements 
>      * HttpSessionBindingListener and then call its 
>      * valueUnbound method, allowing it to save its state
>      * correctly instead of just being lost into the etherworld
>      *
>      * @param stream The output stream to write to
>      *
>      * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
>      */
>     private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
>               // Write the scalar instance variables (except Manager)
>               stream.writeObject(new Long(creationTime));
>               stream.writeObject(id);
>               stream.writeObject(new Long(lastAccessedTime));
>                 stream.writeObject(new Long(thisAccessedTime));
>               stream.writeObject(new Integer(maxInactiveInterval));
>               stream.writeObject(new Boolean(isNew));
>               stream.writeObject(new Boolean(isValid));
>         if (attributes.size() > 0) {
>                       // Accumulate the names of serializable attributes
>                       Hashtable results = new
> Hashtable(attributes.size());
>                       for (Enumeration e = attributes.keys();
> e.hasMoreElements() ; ) {
>                               String key = (String) e.nextElement();
>                               Object value = attributes.get(key);
>                               if (value instanceof Serializable) {
>                                       results.put(key, value);
>                               }
>                               // if we can't serialize the object stored
> in 
>                               // the session, then check to see if it
> implements 
>                               // HttpSessionBindingListener and then call
> its 
>                               // valueUnbound method, allowing it to save
> its state
>                               // correctly instead of just being lost into
> the etherworld
>                               else if (value instanceof
> HttpSessionBindingListener ) {
>                                       try {
> ((HttpSessionBindingListener)value)
>                                               .valueUnbound(new
> HttpSessionBindingEvent(this, key));
>                                       } catch (Exception f) {
>                                               // ignored
>                                       }
>                               }
>                       }
>                       stream.writeObject(results);
>               } else {
>                       stream.writeObject(new Hashtable());
>               }
>       }
> }
> --Shai
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 03:24
> Subject: Re: Session Serialize code
> Hi Shai,
> Mea culpa :-)
> I moved Jon's code to org.apache.tomcat.util.ObjectSerializer
> ( I removed all dependencies to Session or tomcat internals - it should
> work for any serializable object ).
> ( my intentions were to make it more reusable and to reuse it in reloading
> context attributes, etc - there are other objects that might get lost in
> a server reload ).
> Let me know if you can use it in this form, and I can certainly add it
> back.
> Costin
> > Hi Costin,
> >
> > As discussed a week ago, someone took out Jon's code to serialize session
> > from 3.3.
> > That code was part of 3.2 but does not exist in 3.3. Could you please add
> it
> > back into ServerSession??
> >
> > As proposed by you I'm working on "SerializableSession" module, and I need
> > that piece of code to serialize sessions.
> >
> > (Functions: writeObject, readObject)
> > Thx.
> >
> > ________________________
> > Shai Fultheim
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > BRM Group
> > 
> > Mobile: 972-53-866-459
> > Office: 972-2-5891-459
> >
> .
> hx.
> >
> > ________________________
> > Shai Fultheim
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > BRM Group
> > 
> > Mobile: 972-53-866-459
> > Office: 972-2-5891-459
> >
> .

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