on 1/10/01 7:52 PM, "Brad Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've uploaded an early rough draft of a pair of articles that boils
> down to a critique of the JSP approach plus source code for a quite
> different approach. I'd be very interested in feedback... of the
> constructive variety, of course ;)
> The articles are at http://virtualschool.edu/wap
> -- 
> ---
> Phone: 703 361 4751 Fax: 703 995 0422 Cellular: 703 919-9623
> http://superdistributed.com: A new paradigm for a new millinneum
> PGP Signature: E194 C6E5 92D8 B8FB 20E8  8667 929A 95A0 FCB6 7C62

MLS? Preprocess code? WHAT?

Have you even looked at what we are doing in Turbine/Velocity land?

Also, let me also refer you to:



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