Oups didn't view your reply in the list.

>Tomcat 4.0 did not select mod_jk for several reasons.  The 
>most important ones
>are at the top:
>* MOD_JK (like MOD_JSERV before it) has no clue what a web
>  application is.  This forces you to configure many items twice --
>  once in the web.xml file and once in the Apache configuration,
>  which is a pretty serious imposition on people trying to administer
>  the combination.

Why not implemented such feature in mod_jk (extending ajp13 to ajp14 with
news commands ?)

>* While the 2.2 spec was silent in many areas, the 2.3 spec will
>  require an Apache+Tomcat combination to obey *all* the requirements
>  of the spec (same rules as for any other container).  This means that
>  the things in web.xml *must* be respected.  For example, a security
>  constraint in a web.xml file must be enforced, even on a 
>  static resource that is served by Apache instead of Tomcat.  
>  Substantial modifications
>  to MOD_JK would be needed to make this work (primarily in adding a
>  two-way exchange of configuration information).

I'm sorry to say that this stuff may be added to mod_jk. Still the 
syndrom of the wheel. 
>* MOD_JK had no committers interested in maintaining it, at the time
>  that the decision was made.  Subsequent to that time, several
>  volunteers have surfaced, including at least one person interested in
>  supporting MOD_JK under Tomcat 4.0.  That would be fine with me,
>  as long as the result obeys all the rules.

Sorry but mod_jk as at minima 3 commiters (Dan, Costin and I) ;)
And many users as provided some patches.

Let me resume :

mod_jk :

functionnal connector, load-balancing, TC 3.2 and 3.3 compatibility

mod_webapp :

connector (with bug in cookies -> no session possibles), no load-balancing,
strictly restrited to 4.x
I've reported the cookie problem at least 2 times but still no answer :


The pragmatic approach will to add mod_webapp stuff (related to 2.3) to
mod_jk, eventually
by deriving ajp13 to ajp14. Adding two-ways exchange may be a real need for
admin (apache admin from tomcat or tomcat from apache)

I didn't remember there was a vote or poll on mod_jk/mod_webapp ?-) (No


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