Dan Milstein wrote:

> Craig,
> I assume I'm the person interested in porting mod_jk to TC 4 (if there's anyone 
>else, please get in touch with me ;-).
> Thank you for clarifying the issue about the difference between the 2.2 and 2.3 
>specs -- I hadn't realized that.
> I do have a question: how would you feel about including mod_jk in TC 4 before it 
>became totally 2.3 compliant?  In other words, if I managed to write ajp13 and/or 
>ajp12 connectors for TC 4, how would you feel about that being committed to cvs 
>immediately, so that people could start using it (and using TC with various web 
>servers), *before* making the extensive additions which would be necessary to bring 
>it into 2.3 compliance?
> To my mind this would be worthwhile, and in keeping with TC 4 development in general 
>-- there is the doc specifying the various degrees of "doneness" of 2.3 compliance.  
>I see it as a very pragmatic path -- I believe that adding a functional web server 
>connector would give many, many more people reason to start using TC 4, which can 
>only be a good thing.  And, I hope, that increased usage would bring more volunteer 
>resources to bear on the connectors -- which could be mod_webapp or mod_jk.
> I ask this because I am honestly not sure how much time I can devote to the project 
>-- I am hoping to write the ajp13 connector, but I am not sure if I will have the 
>time to rewrite all the C code (something I'm not as expert at) to bring mod_jk into 
>2.3 compliance.  If I can only offer the code for the current ajp13, would that be 
>something you would be comfortable with merging into the TC 4 codebase?

I am OK with (as opposed to enthusiastic about -- I'd personally prefer to see people 
fixing mod_webapp than doing this) someone wanting to write a Tomcat 4 connector for 
MOD_JK, as long as:
* Everyone understands that it's there simply for porting
  and won't be compliant with the final specs
* Enough people are willing to do support for it so that it
  doesn't just collect bug reports (like MOD_JK did until
  you and others started working on it again)

The quickest way to accomplish this would be to mimic the organizational structure of 
org.apache.catalina.connector.http.Http{Connector,Processor}, and change the way that 
request properties get sent.  Everything that happens to a request after that point 
(i.e. after you call invoke() on the Engine) does not care where the request came from.

NOTE:  In terms of timing, I'd rather see this work in the 4.1 repository so it 
doesn't destabilize anything in the 4.0 beta cycle, or delay it.

> Thanks,
> -Dan


> "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> >
> > GOMEZ Henri wrote:
> >
> > > [finally ... a technical issue!]
> > >    I still didn't understand why TC 4.0 didn't select mod_jk as
> > >    their connector to WebServer. The code is clean and many bugs
> > >    are removed. A web server connector is not an easy piece of cake
> > >    so why reinvent the whell ?-(
> > >
> >
> > Tomcat 4.0 did not select mod_jk for several reasons.  The most important ones
> > are at the top:
> >
> > * MOD_JK (like MOD_JSERV before it) has no clue what a web
> >   application is.  This forces you to configure many items twice --
> >   once in the web.xml file and once in the Apache configuration,
> >   which is a pretty serious imposition on people trying to administer
> >   the combination.
> >
> > * While the 2.2 spec was silent in many areas, the 2.3 spec will
> >   require an Apache+Tomcat combination to obey *all* the requirements
> >   of the spec (same rules as for any other container).  This means that
> >   the things in web.xml *must* be respected.  For example, a security
> >   constraint in a web.xml file must be enforced, even on a static resource
> >   that is served by Apache instead of Tomcat.  Substantial modifications
> >   to MOD_JK would be needed to make this work (primarily in adding a
> >   two-way exchange of configuration information).
> >
> > * MOD_JK had no committers interested in maintaining it, at the time
> >   that the decision was made.  Subsequent to that time, several
> >   volunteers have surfaced, including at least one person interested in
> >   supporting MOD_JK under Tomcat 4.0.  That would be fine with me,
> >   as long as the result obeys all the rules.
> >
> > Craig McClanahan
> >
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