First, you write too much about a name when the question has always been
having or not a 3.3 in the 3.x branch.

Most of us (for whom having a 3.3 is interesting) are still not concerned
about having or not a revolution and a Tomcat 5. It is too soon to be
concerned about when our main priority is to have something better than
3.2 for production _real soon_.

3.3 is the obvious name and the discussion has always been around having
it or not.

Catalina was a revolution, a proposal on following a different path.

At the moment, for me (and possibly others) 3.3 is an evolution.

Maybe (or maybe not) some people already see Costin's work as 5.0 but I
think that most of us don't go that far. I will not be thinking about
what 5.0 should be in the near future.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 01:47
> did...he called his revolution "Catalina". Why is this such a difficult
> concept for you to understand?

Answered above.

Maybe you feel happy has the beholder of the Truth but I do not feel I
have understanding problems when I do not agree with you.

> > Or we have another kind of jobs and so.
> > (-"Hey boss, can I call the US just for some hours?")
> However you can spend time on this list sending email and arguing over the
> same points over and over again?

Man, I already pointed out that I am mostly answering to something you say.
If you can stop, I can stop too.
- My answers are short;
- I type fast;
- It is not your damn business.

> Lets see, I spent 8+ hours in a meeting
> yesterday over crap that you are trying to back Costin on. How about
> supporting Costin when he really needed it?

My main motivation in life is not supporting Costin. My main motivation
here is scratching my itches and I think that 3.3 will help.

Supporting him is important, but I have other priorities too.

Besides, while you are nagging me, you are not nagging him. Maybe he
can work a bit better that way.

In the meantime, you arguments are so poor that I do not have to spend
so much brain power has if I was coding or something. It is kind of
having a break - I need breaks too you know?

You know nothing about me, my life and my schedule. It would be polite
if you would refrain to judge how I should spend my time.

> >> So, Paulo (who also didn't bother to dial in)
> >
> > Should I show you my Agenda?
> > Do you want to organize my schedule for me too?
> No, I expect that if you are going to spend time on this list
> sending email
> all day long and responding to me that you would have enough of a care in
> this project to actually dial in and express your opinions in the forum
> where it mattered the most.

Not your business why I did or did not.
 - Maybe Boss wouldn't like if I was connected to the USA for such a long
   time (I am in Europe, in case you didn't notice);
 - Maybe I was at a customer;
 - Maybe I had a dead line.

> You might have also gotten a chance
> to listen to
> the same things that I have been saying all along repeated to
> Costin by many
> other people in a room. Maybe the real facts of this whole mess would have
> then sunk in to your brain as well.

I have seen other people defending the usefulness of 3.3 and that didn't
anything in your brain.

Beholder of the truth syndrome again?

> thanks,
> -jon

You're welcome,


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