I was looking at this last night, by coincidence. It seems to me that the
name is encoding too much information. It's duplicating the package as part
the class name. I suspect it's getting confused between '/', '\',
File.separatorChar, etc.

It's also encoding characters that are legal in java class names that do not
happen to be 
Character.isLetterOrDigit(). Should probably be
Character.isJavaIdentifierStart and 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tal Dayan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 3:41 AM
Subject: Proposed name encoding patch


This is my first posting to this list so please bare with me.

We are having problems with the jsp name mangling (bug 330 at

Every '/' or '_' char in the jsp path is converted to 6 chars which easily
extend the file path beyond Win NT limitation of 256 chars. As a result, the
JSP compilation fails with the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSPerror:
Can't write:


A quick look at the code reveals that the mangling is done by the method
CommandLineCompiler.mangleChar() so we plan to modify the method to generate
a more compact encoding, especially for common chars such as '/', '_', and

What is the view of the list regarding the proposed modification and how
should we proceed to maximize the changes that our patch will be included in
the official Tomcat code ?



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