
I  can help with the following items:

2. Bug reports/verification: we have a large number of bug reports,
most of them against previous versions of tomcat. We need people to look
at the bugs, try to reproduce them in the proposed 3.3, try to fix
them. If possible, we need a simple reproduction code that can be added to
the regression suite.

3. Code review/Documentation: The code is not perfect, but it should do
its job. Reading the tomcat.core and making sure it's ok is essential.

5. Testing your application with tomcat :-) ( this is probably a better
and more important test than our regression )

7. User support/documentation: If you managed to get tomcat3 working, you
may be able to help others and reduce the load on commiters.

Just let me know what needs to be done.  I will be watching the mailing 


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