> Last paragraph in the java.lang.String javadoc says:
> The Java language provides special support for the string 
> concatentation operator
> ( + ), and for conversion of other objects to strings. String 
> concatenation is
> implemented through the StringBuffer class and its append 
> method. String
> conversions are implemented through the method toString, 
> defined by Object and
> inherited by all classes in Java. For additional information 
> on string concatenation
> and conversion, see Gosling, Joy, and Steele, The Java 
> Language Specification. 

And the Java Language Specification (Section 3.10.5: String Literals) says

"Strings computed by constant expressions (§15.27) are computed at compile
time and then treated as if they were literals"


> >     Just thought that I would point out that: 
> > "My " + "dog " + "has " + "fleas." will be compiled as one String:
> > "My dog has fleas." and incurs no runtime penalties.  In the case
> Paul,
> Actually, my investigations in the past have shown that (at least in
> Sun's JDK 1.2) this is implemented as:
> new StringBuffer 
> ("My").append("dog").append("has").append("fleas").toString();

If this is actually the case, Sun's JDK is not in compliance with the spec.
However, in my tests, this is not the case. 

>From this class: 

public class StringTest {
  static String blah = "My " + "dog " + "has " + "fleas.";

The following is the result from "javap -c StringTest" after compiling:

Compiled from StringTest.java
public class StringTest extends java.lang.Object {
    static java.lang.String blah;
    static {};
    public StringTest();

Method static {}
   0 ldc #1 <String "My dog has fleas.">
   2 putstatic #5 <Field java.lang.String blah>
   5 return

Method StringTest()
   0 aload_0
   1 invokespecial #4 <Method java.lang.Object()>
   4 return


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