> I updated Tomcat 4 which has the new code that allows running directly
> from a WAR file.  A few comments about this.
> I will refer to the 'examples' context in my comments.
> The directory 'work/localhost/examples/classes is created for
> the contents of 'webapps/examples/WEB-INF/classes.
> First, what if there were a directory named 'webapps/examples/classes'
> which contained JSP pages, wouldn't this conflict with where you put
> the WEB-INF classes?  Wouldn't it be better to put them
> in work/localhost/examples/WEB-INF/classes ?
> Second, if a WAR is already unarchived in the webapp directory,
> i.e. both examples.war and examples/ exists, why is the
> 'work/localhost/examples/classes' directory created?

All this is created fro Jasper. The compiler (javac) needs to have real
class files and real JARs on the HD. These files are *not* used for anything
No classloading or resource loading occurs from there, so it won't conflict
with other stuff in the webapp.

> Which takes precedence, the shadowed war file in work/localhost/examples ?
> or the unarchived copy in webapps/examples?
> What is the expected behaviour of this feature if you drop a war file in
> a webapp directory?  What if you update a war file?

Note: Jasper is temporarily broken when running from a WAR.


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