> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Ruby
> Sent: 1/29/01 3:35 PM
> Subject: RE: [PROPOSAL] Tomcat 3.3 Release Plan
> Larry Isaacs wrote:
> > I think we will need a "go" from the PMC before the vote can
> > take place.  Issues about voting I don't think have been
> > finalized.
> While issues about voting have not been finalized (and like code, may
> never
> be "final"), this has not held up other votes on releases in the past.
> As I believe you have correctly noted, a number of the issues can be
> addressed by simply splitting the vote for the release plan from the
> actual
> release.
> Despite not having absolute closure, I would like to see a vote operate
> under the assumption that those that express "+1" and "-1" votes be
> willing
> to back up their votes with constructive action.
> Beyond this, is there any other action you believe you need from the PMC
> prior to holding a vote?
> - Sam Ruby

Hi Sam,

For a vote just on the TC 3.3 Release Plan, I think we can go ahead.
I'll include a note on the ballot that a +1 implies a commitment to help
bring Tomcat 3.3 to a releasable state, but is not a commitment to do

I need to update the release plan tonight to push the dates back a
week since the deadline I'm working against has chased me into this
week.  I'll work towards posting a release plan vote in the morning.


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