> Hola Costin:
> I've got this Fail , it's something you are doing currently? or it's a
> Windows quirk of something that is working on ixes ?

Sorry - it was a cut&paste from the previous test.
( the previous test is checking what happens when you getInputStream()
and read the body, and then getParameters() with post, the 
last one what happens if you getParamters() and the getInputStream().

In the first case the body should be read - by spec, and getParameters()
should return only the GET params ( that part is not defined in the 
spec - it hust says that the body shouldn't be read before getParams() ).

The second case is also slightly undefined ( the spec doesn't mention
what should happen after getParameters, if getInputStream is called).

Tomcat behavior is :
- if getInputStream is used, the POST params will be consumed, and 
getParameters() will still work and return only the GET params.
- if after getParameters() the getInputStream is called, the body 
will be empty ( since we don't support multipart in the current 
connector )

I still have to add the other 2-3 test cases for parameters ( include,
jsps), but I'm doing some cleanup for M1.

BTW, I'll start using tomcat_32 branch of watchdog for the nightly
tests, so we can use the same tests as with 3.2 ( watchdog changed in 
the 3.2 branch, didn't changed in the main - we can easily merge,
but I think someone else should do it).

One question - for better testing we should also use a subset of 
watchdog-4.0 ( i.e. without the Servlet2.3 tests ). Since the spec is
backward compatible, we should be able to run the 2.2 tests ( and make
sure the behavior is similar - there are places in 2.2 where the 
behavior is undefined, but is defined in 2.3 - I think our 
"undefined" behavior should match 2.3, to allow easy transition in future)


> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------
> FAIL ( No data after the params are read ) POST
> /test/servlet/params.ParamsInputStream?a=x&m=n HTTP/1.0 
> TEST: ( responseBody matches 'a = [ x ]') 
> Request: 
>   POST /test/servlet/params.ParamsInputStream?a=x&m=n HTTP/1.0
> Host: localhost
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Content-Length: 7
> a=b&c=d
> Comments: No data after the params are read 
> Message: 
>   ERROR: expecting match on a = [ x ]
> GOT: 
> Params = [m , a , c ]
> m = [ n ]
> a = [ x , b ]
> c = [ d ]
> Query = a=x&m=n
> 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------
> Saludos ,
> Ignacio J. Orteg


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