On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Mel Martinez wrote:

> IMHO out.flush() should not commit the response.  Only
> response.flushBuffer() should commit the response. 
> And response.flushBuffer() should not be called from
> an inside an 'include' request.

Hi Mel,

First, JspWriter needs to be flushed at the end of the page - it has a
buffer, and if the buffer is not commited the data will be lost.
There is a method ( flushBuffer ) in JspWriterImpl, and that method should
be called instead of flush().

In 3.2 we had a lot of problems with the buffers - changing that may be a
bit dangerous. For 3.3, the whole buffering has been re-designed and
refactored, and most problems we knew about in the servlet container
are fixed ( but so far this issue hasn't been fixed - to be honest I
didn't knew about it, I've been focused more on the servlet side ).

It shouldn't be difficult to fix it, and since it is a spec issue I think
this is a must_fix bug.

The best way to make sure it'll be indeed fixed is to send a patch or at
least a test case ( a small war with some servlets/jsps and a <gtest>
fragment that we can include in our nighlty tests ). 


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