> The best place to start, to get a feeling of the thing yourself, is the source
> code itself. There's about 40K lines right now in 3.3m1, so take it easy.
> Perhaps the class diagrams will help you to start:
> http://nagoya.apache.org/~costin/tomcat3

And since I don't have an index.html, the diagrams and docs are
 all contributed by Alex, I just saved them in my public_html.

> I think I read somewhere that the most important thing was to have fun, sorry
> I cannot remember the exact source. So you can pick from existing bug-reports,
> build a challenging and complicated system, write javadoc or user
> documentation, do some code-reviewing, build new test suites... Whatever you
> feel you're better at.

+1 !
( either have fun or get a paycheck :-)

( having fun )

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