on 3/3/01 6:55 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> on 3/2/01 11:58 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> For "real" production servers I hope you'll use Apache, and for embeding
>>> tomcat in apps or development you don't need 500 requests per seconde.
>> What if we need 500 requests per second for non-static files? :-)
> You got them already - tomcat overhead for serving servlets is comparable
> with apache overhead for serving static pages.
> Everything else is up to the servlet implementation.
> ( actually, tomcat overhead is smaller than Apache 1.3, but
> Apache 2.0 is faster )
> Costin

what platform/os? i believe your previous claims have been on NT, is this
also for unix now as well?


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