        My goal is to be able to have different servlets mapped to "/" on different
ports.  I have not found any way to do this in server.xml, so I started
grep'ing and groveling through the code to find out more.  Now as far as I
can tell right now what I want to do is not possible using Tomcat 3.2.1.  My
question to this list is if anyone here can either show me what I've missed
and tell me how to configure Tomcat to do what I want.  Or if someone can
help me out by pointing me in the right direction in terms of patching the
3.2.1 sources to do what I want.  Perhaps this is now possible in the newer
versions of tomcat and I could back port a change.  Or ???  Any help is
greatly appreciated.

An example of what I'm trying to do is to have a GET on "/" of port 8080
return webapps/app1/index.html and a GET of "/" on port 8081 return


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