Thanks Conor, 

It was a double mistake - Sam set ant.home to a wrong value in gump and I
guessed wrong what was changed ( assuming the distribution layout

Tomcat doesn't depend on how ant build process works, only on the final
directory layout ( in the distrib ).

Meanwhile I updated ant, did a build - and congrats for the cleaned-up
build process ( I don't like building in the source dir, but I'll get
used to it :-).


On Tue, 6 Mar 2001, Conor MacNeill wrote:

> Costin,
> > Is there any reasonable explanation for changing the ant structure ( i.e.
> > removing ant/bin ) ? Besides breaking backward compatibility and forcing
> > people to change their scripts ?
> >
> We like you to change your scripts on a regular basis to stop them getting
> stale :-)
> Seriously Ant's build process was reorganized recently to build ant within
> the ant directory rather than above it. At that time, the bootstrapped Ant
> was moved into its own directory (bootstrap) so that generated jars
> (ant.jar) were not placed into a CVS directory (lib) where they may be
> inadvertently added to CVS. It made sense to move bin at the same time. If
> you have previously been using the ant/bin and ant/lib directories, you
> have actually been using the bootstrapped ant rather than the fully built
> ant. That is generally not a problem, of course, but perhaps not desirable.
> Also I think it is probably best for other projects not to rely on the
> internal organizaton of the Ant CVS tree but on the distribution built in
> the dist directory.
> Is that a "reasonable explanation" - you'll have to be the judge.
> Conor
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