
I'm not sure I understand ( not your mail - the "available" definition ).

Isn't availabe supposed to return how many bytes can be returned without a
read() on the "primary" source ( that would block ) ? 

What you describe is slightly different - and I'm not sure it's a good
idea. In any case, I would prefer the second choice - have the protocol
return what it has in it's buffers ( if any ). 

Of course, a big question is what is available :-) If the data has been
read by Apache but not yet sent to tomcat - is it available ? Probably so
( AFAIK this shouldn't happen - actual read from network is driven by a
tomcat request and no data is buffered on apache ). But that would be a
bit too complex even for 3.3 ( but may be implemented in a future ajp14 )

I don't think this would have any significant impact on code stability -
since you replace a method that returns 0 to something a bit more acurate,
and I see no problem with adding a patch to 3.3 ( 3.2 is quite close to 
a release, it's up to Marc to decide ). But I'm a bit concerned about the
corectness of the result.


On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Mike Anderson wrote:

> I noticed that this bug was marked RESOLVED/LATER and was wondering if there was any 
>way to get this into 3.2.2 since that is the version that is closest to being 
>released.  I've already found 2 ways to fix this issue but am willing to abide by the 
>groups decision and concentrate on getting this into the 3.3 release instead.
> The 2 ways to fix this are:
> 1.  In BufferedServletInputStream, implement an available() method that returns 
>limit - bytesRead or 0 whichever is greater.  The limit class variable is set to the 
>value of the Content-Length header and bytesRead is the number of bytes read since 
>limit was set (see the attached diff1.txt).  This is the easy fix but doesn't address 
>the feature of available that says it will return the number of bytes that can be 
>read "without blocking".  Obviously, if there is a large amount of data, a read will 
>most likely block at some point depending on how much is asked for, however this 
>prevents a condition where one of the adapters returns 0 because a read hasn't 
>actually been requested from the webserver.
> 2.  Update BufferedServletInputStream to call reqA.available and then update the 
>following files to provide this interface:
>   Request.java
>   RequestImpl.java
>   HttpRequestAdapter.java
>   Ajp12ConnectionHandler.java
>   Ajp13ConnectorRequest.java
>   JNIConnectionHandler.java
>   MsgConnector.java
>   TcpConnector.java
> Each of these classes would need to provide an appropriate available() method.  I've 
>also done the work on these files as well (see the attached diff2.txt) but noticed 
>that since some of the protocols (particularly AJP13) actually have to request a read 
>to fill their internal buffer, the adapter (i.e. Ajp13ConnectorRequest.java) will 
>return a 0 if doRead is called and it exactly empties the internal buffer.  Also the 
>JNIRequestAdapter (in JNIConnectionHandler.java) makes a native call back into the 
>webserver to do the reads and so available is implemented similar to #1 above; it 
>just returns the max of contentLength - bytesRead or 0.  This was because I'm not 
>sure of a way to imp
> After testing both of these, implementation 1 is actually faster and more reliable.  
>Typically if someone is calling available and they get back a 0, they would block the 
>thread anyways and so it makes some sense to let it block on the read plus it gets 
>around the issue of an adapter requiring one of it's read methods to be called to 
>actually have something available.
> Any response positive or negative would be appreciated so that I know where to focus 
>my energy (i.e. 3.2.2 or 3.3).

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