This question should really be addressed to the TOMCAT-USER
list.  TOMCAT-DEV is for discussions of the development of Tomcat itself.

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, rajeev wrote:

> Can someone confirm that request-time attribute values is not
> implemented in the latest version of Jakarta?

Which version are you actually running.  "The latest version" is somewhat

> Here's what I want to do:
>   <foo:bar customer="<%= customer.getID() %>"/>
> But instead of customer id, what actually gets passed to 
> BarTag.setCustomer() is the string "<%= customer.getID() %>"

This should work fine in any version of Java, as long as you have declared
in your tag library descriptor that the "customer" attribute can accept
runtime expressions:

            <required>false</required> <!-- or true if needed -->

> My code should have worked, based on sample code I saw in Sun's 
> J2EE blueprints, and also here:

Craig McClanahan

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