On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, T. Park wrote:

> Craig,Remy,
> downloading the latest nightly build resolved my problem... thanks!


> ...but only after I dropped that 'big everything' jar into the common/lib
> folder.
> So there seems to be a chicken & egg thing regarding what order certain
> components need to be in
> for the new tomcat to play with an alternative naming service.
> My InstanceListener class goes into server/lib just fine, but the support
> class (I.e. the one containing javax.naming) needs
> to go in the common area.
> Can you tell me why this would be? I know it's something to do with the new
> classloading scheme
> but I can't see why it would matter.

The reason something would need to be in "common" is if it needs to be
visible to both the Catalina classloader and a webapp class loader.  If
you consult the classloaders.html doc for Catalina, you will see that
this is the only configurable place that these two hierarchies meet.  It
sounds like there must be things in your "big everything" JAR that meet
that description.

> -Thom


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