On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Julien, Timothy wrote:

> Are there standard test apps for testing a Servlet container?
> I am running watchdog, and several struts apps; Java pet store requires
> EJB's, so thats no good.
> Any known apps out there that are either standard or opensource?

It's not formally a test app, but experience with Struts says that the
ability to run the Struts example app "out of the box" is a pretty useful
real world compatibility test :-).

Both development branches of Tomcat also have some unit tests within their
own source hierarchies (in Tomcat 4 it is the
"tester" subdirectory).  Some of the tests are specific to Tomcat, but
most of them should work on any servlet container that has the appropriate
set of webapps configured.

> Tim Julien
> HP middleware


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