> I've been reviewing the new Server Side Include functionality that Bip
> Thelin contributed, and comparing it to the NCSA docs at:
>     http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/tutorials/includes.html
> One place where our current behavior appears to vary from the
> documentation is on whether virtual paths are relative to the current web
> application or to the server's root.  Right now, SsiInvokerServlet seems
> to do the former in all cases, where the documentation implies the latter.

I believe this is a bug.  I will work on this.

> While a context-relative path would make a lot more sense in a web-app
> environment, I'm concerned that this might cause compatibility problems
> for users converting existing applications.  Maybe we should provide a
> configuration parameter to select which behavior the user wants?

We can provide this option since this kind of makes sense in a web-app
environment.  However, I think the default way should be relative to the
server's root following NCSA.  What do you think?


> Craig

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