Hi Victor,

Could you send the patches too :-)


On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Vitayaudom, Victor wrote:

> Please note patch 1 and especially 4.
> Just helping out.
>   -Victor
> patchfile1.txt
> --------------
>   I'm interested in sending a patches to fix a problem I'm 
>   encountering. I'm using jasper save myself deployment time by 
>   testing the integrity of the webapp. 
>   The simple fix is to replace '-' with '_' with jasper's 
>   org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagBeginGenerator 
>   I currently have a project where a taglib contains a dash for one of 
>   its tag elements. e.g.  <cache:clear-cache name=..../> 
>   The author of the taglib justly refuses to change the name of the 
>   tag element since it is within or not out bounds with the taglib 
>   specification. 
>   However, jasper creates corresponding java files for these tag elements 
>   by 
>   appending _jspx_th or _jspx_eval to the name. 
>   The dash are not allowed in variable assignment and the compiler 
>   complains. 
> patchfile2.txt
> --------------
>   For org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl 
>   my jikes compiler complains of a catch Exception that is never thrown. 
>   I agree with it and confused by what is to be gained from 
>   a try catch around System.getProperty("line.separator") since 
>   the value would be null if the value was never assigned. 
>   I think the author wanted 
>           if (lineSeparator == null) lineSeparator = "\r\n"; 
>   However, I fail to see when this situation would occur since 
>   each operating system environment would had a VM that would 
>   have this value defined.   
> patchfile3.txt for org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspFactoryImpl 
>   same as JspWriterImpl 
> patchfile4.txt 
>   a. to reduce javadoc warning by including classpath
>   b. also the introduction of build.properties for centralization of
>   customization by using <property file="build.properties"/>
>   c. Please also note the introduction of sax2.jar and w3cdom2.jar to
>   reduce dependency on parser.jar and focus on jaxp.jar
>   Analogy.  avoid import java.util.*; 
>     versus
>   import java.util.Vector; ... etc. to what is required.
>   So while jaxp-1.1 utilize crimson.jar versus
>   jaxp-1.0.2 utilizing parser.jar 
>   we don't care because the only important jar files
>   for compiling are sax2.jar, w3cdom2.jar, and jaxp.jar.
>   The same does not hold true when utilizing jasper to
>   convert a jsp into a java file. But that is not the role
>   of the cvs rather than the user of the jakarta-tomcat jasper
>   functionality to determine which javax.xml.parser.DocumentBuilderFactory
>   he/she wants to use.
>   p.s. Currently their is a bug in crimson.jar since it does
>   specifcy a necessary DTD method that jasper requires.
> patchfile5.txt
>   update to src/test/build.xml to also change ${servlet22.jar} to
> ${servlet.jar} 

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