on 5/7/01 5:30 AM, "GOMEZ Henri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Did you consider use the Multicast cluster with
> Spread (http://www.spread.org/) ?

Spread kicks ass and is the "Right Way ". The license sucks balls.

Sending the authors *gentle* thoughts about how you would like to use their
software and how you would think their software would be more widely
accepted, used and contributed to under a BSD'ish (or MPL 1.1) license would
be appreciated.

These are very smart people with an even smarter product. I talked with the
authors of Spread at ApacheCon and they are hesitant to change the license
because they have put many hard years into the development of the product
and are primarily afraid that if they make the license more open, that
people will just take take take and won't contribute back. If we can
convince them that this is not true, then they will change the license. I
personally offered to work on the Java interface to make it JMS compliant if
they would change the license.



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