Now that the "Proposed Final Draft 2" versions of the Servlet 2.3 and JSP
1.2 specs have been published (with Tomcat 4.0 updated to support the
latest changes), and a ton of bug fixes have been made, I would like to
propose that we create a "Tomcat 4.0 Beta 4" release as follows:

  Release Manager:  Craig McClanahan
  Code Freeze:  Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 05:00pm Pacific Time

See the file "RELEASE-NOTES-4.0-B4.txt" for a reasonably up-to-date list
of the changes to date.  This document will be updated with any additional
changes that are made, plus a list of known outstanding issues.

Between now and the code freeze, I'd like us to focus on fixing
outstanding bugs and catching the configuration documentation up to
date.  I'm OK with continuing work on the new distributed session stuff in
the mean time (as long as it is not enabled in the default
configuration), but please hold off on making substantive changes in the
core container until after the Beta 4 release.

Comments?  Votes?

The usual rules apply:
  [ ] +1 = I agree with this proposal and will support it
  [ ] +0 = I agree with this proposal, but do not have time to support it
  [ ] -0 = I do not agree with this proposal, but don't want to try
           to block it
  [ ] -1 = I do not agree with this proposal (requires reasons)


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