In Tomcat 4 the "core" catalina classes in servlet/lib/catalina.jar are hidden 
from servlets. A servlet should use the standard Servlet 2.3 classes to 
access public information for the request.  Your servlet would not be portable 
across differenct servlet containers if you used internal servlet container classes.

In addition, making those interal tomcat classes visible to web applications
could allow the security of the servlet container and web applications to be 



Fabien Le Floc'h wrote:
> Hello,
> I am sorry to bother you. But I am trying to write a servlet that uses some core 
>apache classes and I have problems running it.
> - If I use a war archive, tomcat does not find the tomcat classes/servlet classes 
>when it starts the servlet. (ClassNoDefFound error). If I then add the catalina.jar 
>and servlet.jar to the classpath, I have a conflict between classes loaded 
>dynamically by tomcat and classes in the classpath. (More precisely I have an object 
>whose class is ServletWrapper but is not an instance of ServletWrapper. This is 
>because (I guess) the object is created by the Tomcat classloader and it is compared 
>with an instance of the classpath objects),
> - If I put the jar file in the common/lib directory, it finds the servlet classes 
>but not the tomcat classes.
> - If I put the jar file in server/lib directory, it does not load my servlet.
> The only way I can make it work is to put it in the catalina.jar file. But that is 
>not nice at all.
> Could someone help me with this?
> Thank you.
> Fabien Le Floc'h
> P.S.: I was wondering if it was user or developer oriented... As I want to use core 
>Tomcat classes I thought it was developer but maybe I am wrong. Then I apologize.

Glenn Nielsen             [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /* Spelin donut madder    |
MOREnet System Programming               |  * if iz ina coment.      |
Missouri Research and Education Network  |  */                       |

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