>I ask mostly because I've put a lot of effort into cleaning up and
>documenting that code, and I hope that it is now much more 

Your documentation is a great help in extending the jk in
jakarta-tomcat-connectors to add ajp14 support.

I'll try to also comments my code to help it being understoud
by users and commiters, and of course code review. Just take
a look in jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk/src/native...

>If you
>still find it difficult to read/understand, I'd love to know 
>how/where.  I
>still hold out hope that at some point in the future the mod_webapp
>protocoal (warp?) could be supported by mod_jk, so there would 
>be only one C
>code base to support.

mod_webapp is too different from mod_jk, and there will be 2 
native code base to support, to avoid that :

- Someone implements the warp protocol in mod_jk

- Someone implements ajp12 or ajp13 in mod_webapp

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