
A detailed bug report w/ test case is *great*, but it would also be very,
very helpful if you could specify:

1) What version of Tomcat you are running (precisely)
2) What web server you are running, and its version
3) Your OS


DAK wrote:
> I finally got out from under some work and was able to make some test
> code. I'm attaching the client and servlet code.
> The code transfers a couple parameters, then a binary file (I was using
> a .jar). If you call the client with
> "BinTestClient localhost something.jar b", it uses byte-by-byte read on
> the server to spool the file to a temp file. If you call the client
> without the 'b', it uses the byte-array read that I was complaining
> about.  Transfer a file, then try "jar tvf testXXXX.jar" to see if it
> works. I uses a jar that contains .jpg images and when using the byte
> array read method, it creats a corrupt jar file. If I apply my fix to
> the Ajp13ConnectorRequest class, it works fine.
> (I tried a jar that contained class files and it worked anyway...)
> I'd like for someone else to try this out to make sure I didn't screw
> something up. The code seems pretty simple.
> I discovered this when using JarIn/OutputStream to transfer data from
> client to servlet.
>    David
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import java.io.DataOutputStream;
> import java.io.File;
> import java.io.FileInputStream;
> import java.io.InputStream;
> import java.io.OutputStream;
> import java.net.URL;
> import java.net.URLConnection;
> //      args[0] = hostname
> //      args[1] = jarfile
> //      args[2] = 'b' for single byte read.
> public class BinTestClient {
>         public static void main(String [] args) {
>                 try {
>                         URL url = new URL("http://"+args[0]+"/examples/BinTest";);
>                         URLConnection connection = 
>                         connection.setDoOutput(true);
>                         connection.setUseCaches(false);
>                         DataOutputStream output = new 
>                         File jarFile = new File(args[1]);
>                         if (jarFile.exists()) {
>                                 output.writeUTF(""+jarFile.length());
>                         }
>                         if (args.length > 2 && args[2] != null && 
>                                 output.writeChar('b');
>                         else
>                                 output.writeChar(' ');
>                         InputStream istr = new FileInputStream(jarFile);
>                         byte [] buf = new byte[8192];
>                         int count = istr.read(buf);
>                         while (count != -1) {
>                                 if (count > 0)
>                                         output.write(buf, 0, count);
>                                 count = istr.read(buf);
>                         }
>                         istr.close();
>                         output.flush();
>                         output.close();
>                         istr = connection.getInputStream();
>                         istr.read();
>                 } catch (Exception ex) {
>                         ex.printStackTrace();
>                 }
>         }
> }
>   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> import java.io.DataInputStream;
> import java.io.File;
> import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
> import java.io.FileOutputStream;
> import java.io.InputStream;
> import java.io.IOException;
> import java.io.OutputStream;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
> import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
> public class BinTestServlet extends HttpServlet{
>         public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
>response) {
>                 try {
>                         DataInputStream istr = new 
>                         long fileLen = Long.parseLong(istr.readUTF());
>                         char mode = istr.readChar();
>                         File tmp = File.createTempFile("test", ".jar");
>                         OutputStream fstr = new FileOutputStream(tmp);
>                         if (mode == 'b') {
>                                 System.out.println("Using byte-by-byte read");
>                                 for (int i=0; i<fileLen; i++)
>                                         fstr.write(istr.read());
>                         }
>                         else {
>                                 System.out.println("Using byte-array read");
>                                 byte [] buf = new byte[8192];
>                                 int count = istr.read(buf);
>                                 while (count != -1) {
>                                         if (count > 0)
>                                                 fstr.write(buf, 0, count);
>                                         count = istr.read(buf);
>                                 }
>                         }
>                         fstr.flush();
>                         fstr.close();
>                         OutputStream ostr = response.getOutputStream();
>                         ostr.write(1);  // positive response
>                 } catch (Exception ex) {
>                         ex.printStackTrace();
>                 }
>         }
> }


Dan Milstein // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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