
Thank you very much for your help!
I've posted my question to both tomcat-user and tomcat-dev newsgroup before
I sent to you.

Here I'll tell more about my program:

Client ---- Firewall --- [ Web Server - cgi program - mux server ] ---
Another Server

the data flow for each HTTP POST request as follows (obtained from

The firewall(Raptor) HTTP proxy tends to send one POST request in two parts:
 HTTP header + HTTP content

Web Server                 cgi program +  mux server

POST path to cgi program HTTP 1.1
.... other headers                                    -------->
Connection: Keep-Alive

                                                         <-----------  HTTP
1.1 100 continue


HTTP content                                     ------------>
it may take cgi program

1ms --- 100ms  to process

and send back HTTP reply

HTTP 1.1 200 OK

...... other headers

Connection: close

HTTP content

It happens both on Windows NT + IIS 4.0 and on Windows 2000 Server + IIS

My program works with Apache + Linux, the connection is never closed if  set

My questions are:
What's the parameters related to HTTP 1.1 connection? How to change them?

Appreciate very much your kind help!


----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Stahlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: xuemei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: windows 2K + IIS 5.0 + cgi program + HTTP connection Keep Alive
doesn't work

Sorry for the late reply.  Can you post this question on the newsgroup?
It would be a great help, as you can probably imagine I must account for
how I spend my time and posting this to the newsgroup allows us to do
But see if helps you
at all.


-----Original Message-----
From: xuemei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 4:20 AM
To: Scott Stahlman
Subject: windows 2K + IIS 5.0 + cgi program + HTTP connection Keep Alive
doesn't work

Hi, Scott

I found your email address from the IIS Newsgroup.
Sorry to bother you, but I really need some help soon.

I just begin to use windows 2k Server and IIS 5.0 for my cgi program.
The problem is that the  HTTP connection Keep Alive is ON(by default),
and the POST request to my cgi program also ask for Connection:
but IIS always close the connection after sending reply to each request.
no error at all, and even data is sent back though it's expired to

How can I make HTTP 1.1 persistent connection work with IIS 5.0 on
2000 Server?  In fact, I have same problem with IIS 4.0 on NT 4.0

Thank you very very much for your kind help!


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