>I agree.  I spent some time last week looking at possible
>optimizations.  The general ideas were:
>- pool tag handler objects per application. This could
>still be turned on/off at runtime via module and is
>already available.
>- cache (re-use) handlers per page - i.e. only get the handler
>from the pool once (when it is needed).  If application
>wide pooling is disabled then we'll just "new" a handler.
>To be clear: there won't be any data structures (stacks, etc.)
>for caching -- it will just be done via the rendering.
>- call most setters only once -- when the tag handler
>is first obtained.  Attributes that are runtime expressions
>will need to be called every time.

If you can get only these three in, and only that, it would help at least
me/WebWork *immensely*. Heeding your advice regarding the examples I sent to
you I've rewritten all tags to be reusable, and allow set-methods to be
called only once, so I should see a huge improvement in performance. If it
still performs bad, it's either my fault, or the rest of Tomcat :-)


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