Did you, Pier, agree to move the mod_webapp/warp stuff
in jakarta-tomcat-connector and use these CVS instead
the one from TC 4.0 ?

Having all the connector stuff in a common area will help
users (it's what we want), and could also allow us to have
a release rate different from the main servlet-engine rate
(TC 3.2/3.3/4.0). 

We could concentrate on common documentation, faq and so-on.

We migth even see people using others servlet-engine, like
jetty, using the jakarta-tomcat-connector to have a connector
for their prefered servlet-engine. 

Where could I find a description of warp protocol ?
As you know I started to work on ajp13 successor, ajp14
and like to see if we could merge the both.

Also do you consider adding to mod_webapp the support for
load-balancing and fault-tolerance ? 

Henri Gomez                 ___[_]____
EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]        (. .)                     
PGP KEY : 697ECEDD    ...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 9DF8 1EA8 ED53 2F39 DC9B 904A 364F 80E6 

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