+0 - most of my time will be split between jasper34 and tomcat33 ( and a
bit j-t-c, after jasper34 stabilize a bit ). 


On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Marc Saegesser wrote:

> Now that Tomcat 3.2.2 is out it's time to starting thinking about 3.2.3.  My
> thoughts are to have a release for 3.2.3 in three or four months.  This will
> be strictly a bug fix release.  The only hard and fast release requirements
> are to fix any specification compliance issues that may be discovered in
> 3.2.2 and that are no regression failures.  Beyond that, any bugs are fair
> game and 3.2.3 will roll these up into a public release.  I'll volunteer to
> be the release manager for this release (unless someone else is crazy enough
> to want the job).  Any discussion?  Comments?  I'll put together a formal
> release plan in the next couple days.
> Marc Saegesser

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