Hello everyone,

I have a question on how the Warp handler handles headers
coming back from a request.

In pr_warp.c, warp_handler,the following is written:

        /* Check if we got an HDR packet (header) */
        if (i->type==TYP_REQUEST_HDR) {
            char *nam=p_rstring(i);
            char *val=p_rstring(i);
            wa_debug(WA_MARK,"Header \"%s\": \"%s\"",nam,val);
            if (strcasecmp("Connection",nam)!=0) {
            if (strcasecmp("Content-Type",nam)==0) {

I notice that the headers for Connection and Content-Type are set in the
request's structure. However I couldn't see how any other headers will
get sent back to the client.

I'm sure I'm missing something!

Can someone (perhap Pier?) enlighten me as I'm getting a wee bit fed up with
my own density on this one ;-)



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