
I just want to throw in that I think this is going
great.  I am tracking the list and watching the
changes as best I can via cvs web.  I am dying to get
my network and dev environment moved up here so I can
contribute a ton of ideas and code that are in my
head, but that is not going to happen for at least
several weeks now.  Sigh...


--- Costin Manolache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI,
> I'm not planning any major changes in the near
> future for jasper34. I'm
> reasonably happy with the first round of cleanup and
> refactoring, and I
> think we are moving in a good direction with the
> "toolkit"-isation of
> jasper and the various optimizations we discussed. 
> I want to let the code stabilize a bit and get more
> feedback before I
> start the next step. I'll keep doing small changes
> and fixes, probably
> finish the line number mapping and start restoring
> what was broken during
> the first step ( jspc is one, jspservlet needs a bit
> more testing after
> the class loader changes ), plus some improvements
> in the runtime.
> I think the I/O changes, the Liaisons, the overal
> structure are 'under
> control', it's just a matter of finding the time to
> implement them. The
> big one is the internal API to be used for the tree
> and generators - it
> has to be as simple as possible in order to be able
> to move fast in 
> creating inline  versions for common tags and to
> allow various
> optimizations in taglibs. 
> I think we can start experimenting in the current
> version with generating
> special code for some tags - and use this to learn
> more about it. 
> ( I expect some more major jasper34 changes after
> 3.3 beta ) 
> Costin

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