Michael Jennings wrote:
> If this proposed feature (default login target) was added to tomcat, then
> any JSP pages
> developed would just behave a bit nicer in this special case, they would
> still continue
> to work correctly in any spec-compliant jsp container.

I would simply be a little bit leary of extending the web.xml file
format beyond what the spec states, given that Tomcat is the official
reference implementation. My feeling would be to change the internal
behavior of the problem you point out to be handled a bit more
elegantly, rather than open up a "web application format specification"
can of worms. Adding internal behavior to an engine, above and beyond
the spec, is one thing. Changing/adding functionality at the webapp
level is quite another.

In any case, I actually liked your idea :-) You've sparked a few good
ideas for my own applications.

I just disagree with the specific implementation which would extend
web.xml beyond what the specification allows for.

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