my Apologies,

I'm referring to the Tomcat 4 nightly builds.

Recent downloads of the source archives for tomcat 4 lacks the connector
sub-directory and corresponding
source files.

I'm particularly interested in the mod_webapp stuff but, of course, wouldn't
mind a version of mod_jk
that worked with tomcat 4 ;-)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Connectors in Nightly builds?

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Thom Park wrote:

> Hi
> Does anyone have an E.T.A. on when the connectors will return to the
> builds
> and/or when they will return to being included in the nighty source drops?

Which connectors :-) ?

If you are talking about the native mod_jk/mod_webapp - I didn't know they
were ever built nightly.

If you are talking about tomcat3.3 - the nightly build is (almost) back,
probably tonight I'll fix the last problem.

The old connectors are still there, the new connector ( ajp14 and the
improved mod_jk ) is in j-t-c.


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