I was trying to develop my own valve to plug into Catalina, but
running into some problems. I wrote up a little class that implements Valve
and has empty code for getInfo() and invoke(). I put it in its own package
called valvetest, compiled it just fine, put that folder
with the class in it in Catalina's startup classpath, and added a valve
element to my server.xml.
        Catalina could find the class when it started, but would give me an
IllegalArgumentException - argument type mismatch for the valve. Finally I
decided to stick the classes into catalina.jar, and it worked. The odd thing
here is that before I jarred it, Catalina found the class just fine, and
even _ran its constructor_.
        Though I have one solution for this now (jarring it into
catalina.jar), I'm not terribly satisfied with that. I wanted to know if
there's a more convenient way of adding my custom components without
modifying catalina.jar.

Thanks, in advance.

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