On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:16:27AM +0100, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:
> > Checking out the source code, I see a lot of // (commented out lines) when
> > debug() is supposed to be called...
> > Can't we have a global constant boolean called DEBUG and replace the // with
> > if (DEBUG), so that we can simply compile in and out the debugging
> > information without touching the sources?
> > 
> > Check out org.apache.catalina.connector.warp.Constants and WarpLogger... Old
> > trick we used in JServ. :)
> I *believe* most Java compilers do not have constant conditional 
> optimizations (they certainly could, but I don't think they did last
> time I checked).  Without that optimization, you must check that 
> value each time you execute the statement.  That might hurt.  -- justin

In trivial experiments a long while back, I seem to recall that this trick
worked if your constant was "static final".  But I haven't looked lately.

There are also some cases where you want to be able to set the debug level
at runtime, without having to recompile.  In such cases, I typically am
real liberal about debug statements when first creating a module, and then
comment them out (versus removing them) in high-frequency-of-use portions
of the code.  That way, you've got ready-made debug code to uncomment if
you run into problems later.


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