
That's right, you can read any file you want from WEB-INF/classes using
getResource() (which is probably what you are doing) -- that is implemented
correctly in AdaptiveClassLoader.  If you want to find all resources of a
specified name (for example, you have a properties file of the same name at
the web-application level and the system level, and you want to concatenate
values from both places together), the ClassLoader class provides a
getResources() method.  (This method in turn calls findResources which is
supposed to be implemented in all subclasses of ClassLoader, but isn't for

I'm glad to know that fixed it.


Will England wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, David Haraburda wrote:
> > Have you tried using the Jdk12Interceptor?  That fixed class loading
> > problems for me.  In your server.xml do:
> >
> > <RequestInterceptor
> > className="org.apache.tomcat.request.Jdk12Interceptor"/>
> Got that, and it fixed the finding of my .conf files that I store in
> WEB-INF/classes.  I can now read any text file I want from WEB-INF/classes
> from a servlet.
> > Note this will only fix the loading of CLASSES... if you have resources
> > in your WEB-INF/classes directory, such as .properties files, that the
> > ClassLoader is supposed to pick up, this will not happen.  I submitted a
> > patch for this to the mailing list last night, but haven't heard
> > anything from a developer/committer yet.
> Odd.  Worked well for me.  As soon as the admin gets the box back up, I'll
> drop you a copy of my server.xml and the code I use to read a text file.
> > A good way to see what ClassLoader is being used is by sticking in a
> > System.out.println( "CL: " +
> > Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().toString() );
> >
> > If it says com.sun.misc.something (I forget the package name), you are
> > using the System classloader... if it says AdaptiveClassLoader, you are
> > using the Tomcat one which knows about stuff in the WEB-INF directory.
> Nice tip - I'll try that!
> Will

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