on 7/20/01 3:45 PM, "Christopher Cain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just a question to satisfy my own curiosity (and possibly point out my
> compiler ignorance WRT using sun.tool.javac.Main and/or JSP compilation
> [since I don't do JSP]). You mention speed being the primary factor in
> using the Main compiler. Since Jikes is infinitely faster than javac
> (which I assume is derived from or otherwise related to Main), I have
> two questions.
> 1) Is it possible to even use Jikes in a JSP-compilation module, or are
> there technical issues which make it difficult to incorporate in a JSP
> environment?
> 2) If it is not a JSP-specific issue, then I assume that the problem is
> due to Jikes not exposing some kind of API that can be imported and/or
> called from Java classes, and that it would therefore require the
> invokation of a separate external process (which is of course out of the
> question). Is that the case?

Jikes works fine.

The issue is that Jikes is a C++ binary and isn't ported to every platform.

It also makes installation/distribution issues a bit more tricky than simply
calling a Java class file...

The real solution is to get Sun to get off their high horse and OSS the
javac compiler and/or not do stupid things like remove something that tons
of people depend on and not give an alternative way to do things.


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