> I have a web application under development that's using tag libraries. In
> WEB-INF/lib directory I have a bunch of .jar files. I also have a bunch of
> .jar.old files (I've renamed the old jars rather than replace them). If I
> leave the .jar.old files in the lib directory TC4B6 goes into a reloading
> loop for that context.
> My server.xml looks like this
> <Context path="/course" docBase="c:/webapps/coursesapp" debug="9"
> reloadable="true">
>   <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.SystemOutLogger"
> timestamp="true"/>
>   <Loader checkInterval="3" />
> </Context>
> and the context is getting reloaded every 3 seconds without me doing
> anything. If I take the .jar.old files out the behaviour stops!
> If you can't repro this I'll happily send you the entire webapp (it's big)
> and/or work on reproing this on a simpler scale,

It has been fixed since b6.


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