Remy Maucherat wrote:
> Quoting Christopher Cain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Hot damn. Taking the classes out of the TC hierarchy got rid of that No
> > Such Algorithm business. Thanks Kevin!
> >
> > Is that more-or-less expected behavior, or should I log it into
> > bugzilla
> > so that it gets tracked as a bug?
> I don't know if it's fixable. The secrity algorithms probably have to be loaded
> from the system class loader.
> Remy

You're quite right, I'm sure. I was actually thinking more along the
lines of having the startup routine ignore them should they be found in
any of the internal lib directories, so that at least they don't
conflict with the system loader. Of course, the other alternative would
be to simply include a warning in the SSL config doc I'm planning.
Either way, I guess ...

- Christopher

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